The Vermont Suffrage Centennial Alliance (VSCA) Speakers’ Bureau provides speaker information to facilitate efforts by groups, nonprofit and for-profit organizations, schools, businesses, and others to learn more about the movement that resulted in addition of the “Suffrage Amendment” to the United States Constitution, and related subjects.  

The content of presentations made by individuals listed in this Speakers Bureau represents the individual presenter’s work and the individuals are solely responsible for the presentations and any harm or damages resulting therefrom.  The Vermont Suffrage Centennial Alliance, an initiative of the League of Women Voters of Vermont Education Fund (VSCA/LWVVT-EF), takes no responsibility for, nor claims a property interest in the presentations. The views or opinions expressed in the presentations are those of the individual presenter and may not represent the views or opinions of the VSCA/LWVVT-EF.  The VSCA/LWVVT-EF accepts no liability or responsibility for any harm or claim of damages arising out of the presentations made by individuals listed in this Speakers Bureau.  

Tips for hosts
  1. Browse the Speakers and Program Titles list.
  2. Review the “Tips for speakers” section below.
  3. Select and then contact a speaker and discuss:
    1. date, time, and location of program
    2. any request relating to the topic
    3. any special arrangements
    4. inform speaker whether event will be open to the public
    5. permission to record the event, where applicable
    6. permission to seek donations, where applicable
    7. permission to charge admission, where applicable
    8. fee and mileage reimbursement (if any), and 
    9. how and when payment will be made.
  4. Once agreement is reached regarding the information in number 3, document this in writing (can be done by host or speaker) and confirm that both host and speaker have this document and agree to it.  
  5. When event is open to the public, publicize the event (see Publicity tips below).
  6. When event is open to the public, please share it with VSCA both on the Events Calendar and by emailing
  7. When event is open to the public, consider live streaming event on Facebook.
  8. Shortly before event, contact speaker to re-confirm.
  9. Host the event.  If the program is to be recorded, announce at introduction that the event is being recorded.
  10. Fulfill payment agreement.
  11. Sponsors are encouraged to share photos and press coverage of 19th-Amendment focused events with VSCA by email at or through social media.
  12. Send feedback regarding the event to VSCA using email
Tips for speakers
  1. Review the “Tips for hosts” section above.
  2. Market your program to groups or organizations within your chosen geographic area.
  3. Respond to inquiries from potential hosts promptly
  4. Be specific about needs for special equipment and confirm host’s understanding of these needs.  
  5. Provide host with program materials, when requested, such as photos, short bio, or additional information on program content.
  6. VSCA requests that program content not include expressions of support for or opposition to current public office holders, or candidates or anticipated candidates for public office.  
  7. If necessary, ask the audience questions to stimulate discussion.
  8. Arrive at program venue 30 minutes early or earlier if necessary to set up audio/visual or other equipment.
  9. Present program and complete any other tasks agreed to between speaker and host (e.g. remaining at venue for interview with a local media representatives).
  10. Speakers are encouraged to share photos and press coverage of 19th-Amendment focused events with VSCA by email at or through social media.
Publicity tips (for events open to the public)
  1. List the event on your website and any social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) you use.
  2. Hang posters or leave stacks of flyers in prominent spots around town (libraries, general stores, coffee shops, etc.).
  3. List the event in local and statewide newspapers, radio stations, event websites, and listserves such as Front Porch Forum, Seven Days, and your Chamber of Commerce.
  4. Send a press release to local papers and radio stations.
  5. Partner with other organizations in your community or nearby towns to cross-promote the event.
  6. Extend personal invitations to your members, colleagues, patrons, etc. by e-mail, phone, or in person.
  7. Talk to the speaker about arranging an advance interview with a local newspaper or radio talk show.

Here’s a template you can work with to write your own listings and press releases:

On [Date] at [Time], [Speaker] will be speaking at [Location] on [Title of Talk]. [Copy talk description from the Speakers Bureau listing.]This talk is free, open to the public, and accessible to those with disabilities. For more information, contact [Your Name] at [Phone] or [Email Address].

Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this program do not necessarily represent those of the [host organization].

How to join the Speakers’ Bureau
  1. Browse the Speakers and Program Titles list to become acquainted with topics offered.
  2. Review the “Tips for hosts” and “Tips for speakers” sections above.
  3. Choose a topic and prepare your program description.
  4. Complete and submit the Speaker Information form
  5. We’ll let you know promptly whether your name and program information has been added to the VSCA Speakers’ Bureau.