VSCA warmly welcomes new folks to our monthly meetings. Any level of engagement is appreciated, including offers of help with ample current projects, day-of assistance for events, contributions of time, advice, skills and financial assistance. For more information, please email info@vtsuffrage2020.org.
The Vermont Suffrage Centennial Alliance meets once a month, now virtually, via conference call. Those who cannot make the meetings can stay up-to-date by reading Meeting Minutes which are available within a week.
VSCA started meeting in fall of 2018 at the Center for Achievement in Public Service (CAPS), Schulmaier Hall on 32 College Street in Montpelier.

Upcoming Meetings
*All Meetings Now Virtual*
Thursday, December 3, 1:30 p.m.
At the Vermont Suffrage Centennial Alliance, we accomplish our goals through four Subcommittees:
1) Events, handling the main event – a parade and rally/picnic in downtown Montpelier and other activities depending on scope and size
2) Research & History, compiling information on suffrage in Vermont and nationally and handling requests for historical research
3) Outreach, approaching new groups – universities, social justice organizations, artists, etc. and getting the word out to the media
VSCA seeks a part-time volunteer to create and carry out marketing and promotion. You’ll be working with colleagues to spread the word about our events and programs, including grant-funded high school educational programs, symposiums, art exhibits and plays, academic presentations, Fun Runs, and much more, culminating in a parade through Montpelier ending in a celebration on the State House lawn on Saturday, August 22, 2020 with speakers, performances, music and food. Join this collaborative and enthusiastic group of volunteers and creatively contribute to this statewide effort! Link to the Idealist position description.
4) Fundraising, raising money for events, developing sponsorship opportunities, and other items to be identified
VSCA seeks part-time volunteeer to help with fundraising efforts. You will work with the Fundraising Subcommittee to help raise funds, bring in corporate sponsors, and in-kind donations for multiple events. Learn more
Read Summaries of our Meetings. Downloads are in PDF format