October 2021
Orca Media. The Suffragist Reenactment Society 10/30/2021
Allevents. “The Suffragist Reenactment Society” Bennington, VT, Performance
Allevents. “The Suffragist Reenactment Society” Brattleboro, VT, Performance”
Bennington Banner. ‘The Suffragists Reenactment Society’ shines a light on movement’s baggage
Bennington Performing Arts Center. Bennington Performing Arts Center Presents The Suffragists Reenactment Society
Brattleboro Reformer. ‘The Suffragists Reenactment Society’ shines a light on movement’s baggage
Bristol CORE. A Fun, New Play: the Suffragist Reenactment Society
Burlington Free Press. Things to do in Vermont: October arts-and-entertainment events move back indoors
Colchester Sun. Q&A with Colchester’s Julia Sioss, a star in a new Vermont play debuting this weekend
Caledonian Record. Catamount Arts To Host Women’s Suffrage Play Oct. 16
Essex Reporter. Suffragist Reenactment Society
Evensi. Play – The Suffragist Reenactment Society.
Facebook. “The Suffragist Reenactment Society” Bennington, VT, Performance
Facebook. “The Suffragist Reenactment Society” St. Johnsbury, VT, Performance
Facebook Montpelier. “The Suffragist Reenactment Society” Montpelier, VT, Performance“
Facebook. The Vermont Women’s Fund. https://www.facebook.com/VermontWomensFund/
Happening Next. “The Suffragist Reenactment Society” Bennington, VT, Performance
Milton Independent. The Suffragist Reenactment Society
Montpelier Alive Capitol City Community Calendar. New Play Explores Women’s Suffrage
Montpelier Bridge. Suffragists bring HerStory to the Stage.
Newsbreak, Newport. The Suffragist Reenactment Society.
Newsbreak, Montpelier. The Suffragist Reenactment Society
North Star Monthly. League of Women voters present ‘The Suffragist Reenactment’
OCN, Our Community Now. Suffragists bring Herstory to the Stage.
Patch.com. Oct 16 Play–The Suffragist Reenactment Society
Rutland Herald. The Suffragist Reenactment Society’: An entertaining look back tours Vermont
Stowe Today. New play explores women’s suffrage in Vermont
The Deerfield Valley News. Funny, fast-paced look at suffragists
Theater Engine. The Suffragist Reenactment Society
Times Argus. The Suffragist Reenactment Society’: An entertaining look back tours Vermont
Townplanner.com. Fun, New Play Explores Women’s Suffrage
Valley News. Out & About: White River Junction play examines history of Suffragist movement
Vermont Arts Council (St. Albans.) Original play: The Suffragist Reenactment Society
Vermont Arts Council (West Rutland.) Original play: The Suffragist Reenactment Society
Vermont Arts Council (Vergennes.) Original play: The Suffragist Reenactment Society
Vermont Commission on Women. The Suffragist Reenactment Society
Vermont Local History Groups Bennington Calendar. The Suffragist Reenactment Society
Vermont Local History Groups Brattleboro Calendar. The Suffragist Reenactment Society
September 2021
Town Meeting TV. The Suffragist Reenactment Society – Panel Discussion
Town Meeting TV. The Suffragist Reenactment Society Preview
Allevents.in. “The Suffragist Reenactment Society” Burlington, VT, Performance
AllEvents.in. “The Suffragist Reenactment Society” West Rutland, VT, Performance
AllEvents.in “The Suffragist Reenactment Society” White River Junction, VT, Performance
Bennington Performing Arts Center Facebook. “The Suffragists Reenactment Society”
Bennington Performing Arts Center. The Suffragists Reenactment Society
Happeningnext.com. “The Suffragist Reenactment Society” Burlington, VT, Performance
Mountain Lake PBS. New Play Explores Women’s Suffrage Movement
Seven Days. ‘The Suffragist Reenactment Society’
StayHappening.com. “The Suffragist Reenactment Society” Bennington, VT, Performance
Stayhappening.com “The Suffragist Reenactment Society” Burlington, VT, Performance
StayHappening. “The Suffragist Reenactment Society” Montpelier, VT, Performance
St. Albans Museum. COMMUNITY EVENT: The Suffragist Reenactment Society
St. Albans Messenger. The Suffragist Reenactment Society — World Premiere
The Other Paper. The Citizen. New play explores women’s suffrage
Vergennes Opera House. https://www.vergennesoperahouse.org/events.html
August 2021
Orca Media. Annette Gordon-Reed: On Juneteenth
CCTV Center for Media & Democracy. Right to Vote
Special Event at the Vermont State House – Vermont Suffrage Centennial Alliance
Preview: Hard Won, Not Done: Voting Matters on 8/14/21
Internet Archive. Special Event at the Vermont State House – Vermont Suffrage Centennial Alliance 8/14/2021
WCAX. Vermonters rally for voting rights, expanded access
WDEV. Vermont Viewpoint with Ric Cengeri
AllEvents.in. Hard Won. Not Done: Voting Matters!
Literary North. Annette Gordon-Reed: On Juneteenth
Montpelier Alive. Vermont Suffrage Centennial Alliance. Saturday, August 14, 2021
Montpelier Bridge. Reading and Book Signing with Annette Gordon-Reed
Hard Won, Not Done: Voting Matters: August 14, 3–5 p.m., State House Lawn
Newsbreak. Vermont Suffrage Centennial Alliance makes voting front and center at Vermont event
Seven Days. The Magnificent 7: Must See, Must Do, August 11 to 17. Lift Every Voice
Hard Won, Not Done: Voting Matters
Stay Happening. Hard Won. Not Done: Voting Matters!
Times Argus. Talk of the Town. Voting matters!
Vermont Arts Council. Hard Won, Not Done: Voting Matters
Vermont Community Newspaper Group. Statehouse event celebrates suffrage in Vermont
Vermont Digger. Vermont Suffrage Centennial Alliance makes voting front and center at Vermont event
Vermont Department of Libraries. Learning Opportunities and Events (August 14)
Vermont Community Newspaper Group. Statehouse event celebrates suffrage in Vermont
February 2021
Across the Fence: 100 Years Ago: VT Grants Women the Right to Vote
September 2020
Bennington Banner: Virtual Suffrage Scramble raises $6,850 for NAACP
Mountain Times: Virtual Suffrage Scramble 5K participants raise $6,850 for NAACP Rutland
September 8, 2020 Press Release: Virtual Suffrage Scramble 5K Participants Raise $6,850 for NAACP Rutland
August 2020 | Centennial Anniversary Month: Featured Videos, Proclamations, Resolutions, Records and News Coverage
Senator Bernie Sanders Voting Rights Video
Governor Scott’s Women’s Equality Day Proclamation
Governor Phil Scott’s short video of suffrage centennial remarks and Women’s Equality Day proclamation signing
Senator Sanders’ Congressional Record Statement, “100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment”
Congressman Welch’s Congressional Record Statement, “Honoring the 100th Anniversary of Women Gaining the Right to Vote”
Seven Days article Vermont Commemorates Victories and Inequities of the 19th Amendment. The same issue sports a full-page ad from VSCA.
VSCA’s press release State Leaders Reflect on Suffrage Centennial with remarks from Governor Kunin, Senator Leahy, Senator Sanders, Congressman Welch, Governor Scott, Lt. Governor Zuckerman, Xusana Davis, Kesha Ram, and Cary Brown on the significance of the 19th amendment.
MyChamplainValley.com: Running to Remember: ‘Suffrage Scramble 5K’
Times Argus Slider: Suffrage Scramble
WCAX Community Calendar: Virtual 5K Suffrage Scramble
Vermont Digger: State leaders reflect on suffrage centennial
Marking 100 Years of Women’s Suffrage, A Look At Vermont Women’s Struggle For Voting Rights, Vermont Public Radio’s Vermont Edition (podcast): with guests VSCA director Sue Racanelli, and members Rachel Onuf (Vermont Historical Records Program) and Tabitha Moore (Rutland Area NAACP)
Spoiled Ballots and Women’s Suffrage WDEV’s The Dave Gram Show: with guests VSCA director Sue Racanelli, and members Rachel Onuf (Vermont Historical Records Program) and Tabitha Moore (Rutland Area NAACP)
CCTV Channel 17. Burlington: A Call to Honor Suffragists on Women’s Equality Day.
Suffrage Anniversary Commemorations Highlight Racial Divide WCAX-TV: coverage of VSCA’s gathering in front of Burlington City Hall (one of many locations across the state) to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment. Includes special interview with former Governor Madeline Kunin.
Vt. Gathering Commemorates Women’s Voting Rights, Yet Advocates Hope for More Achievements. NBC5|NBC10 TV Boston: coverage of the Burlington gathering in Burlington, observed Women’s Equality Day, which commemorates events of August 26, 1920, when the 19th Amendment, guaranteeing women the vote, became law.
Times Argus: The Suffragists
Seven Days: Vermont Commemorates Victories and Inequities of the 19th Amendment
Caledonian Record: Vt. Suffrage Alliance: State Leaders Reflect On Suffrage Centennial
Mountain Times: Hard won, not done’: A call to honor suffragists and empower the vte
MyChamplainValley.com: A celebration to honor suffragists on Women’s
Equality Day
Rutland Herald: Honor Women’s Equality Day Aug. 26
StoweTODAY.COM: Gather to honor women’s hard-fought right to vote
VT Community Newspaper Group: Gather to honor women’s hard-fought right to vote
Times Argus: The Suffragists
WCAX: Local Women’s Equality Day celebrations around our region
ABC Local 22 & Fox Local 44 WVNY/WFFF-TV. Facebook Post
Caledonian Record: Athenaeum To Commemorate Passage Of 19th Amendment
NEK Chamber of Commerce. Visitor Events. A Call To Honor Suffragists.
Rutland Herald Online: Honor Women’s Equality Day Aug. 26
St. Johnsbury Athenaeum: A Call to Honor Suffragists: Wednesday, Aug. 26, 11 A.M.-Noon
StoweTODAY.COM: Gather to honor women’s hard-fought right to vote
Stowe Reporter: Facebook post
Times Argus Online: Honor Women’s Equality Day Aug. 26
Brattleboro Community Television BC TV: Votes for All Women with Meg Mott
Brattleboro Reform: Performance Notes, August 13
Rutland Herald: Votes for All Women: Patience, Persistence, and Politics
St. Albans Messenger: Votes for All Women: Patience, Persistence, and Politics
The Commons: Patience, Persistence, and the Politics of Morality on the 100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment (Livestream)
Times Argus: Votes For All Women: Patience, Persistence, and Politics
Vermont Digger: Vermont People & Places News
2020centennial.org: Votes For All Women: Patience, Persistence, and Politics
ABC Local 22 & Fox Local 44 WVNY/WFFF-TV: My Champlain Valley: Running to Remember: ‘Suffrage Scramble 5K’
WCAX-TV: What to do Sunday, August 9th, 2020
WVTK: Upcoming Events. Virtual Suffrage Scramble 5K
Bennington Banner: Virtual Suffrage Scramble 5K
Brattleboro Reformer: Virtual Suffrage Scramble 5k
Deerfield Valley News: State-Wide Scramble Goes Virtual
Manchester Vermont: Suffrage Scramble: VIRTUAL 5K Run/Walk
Manchester Journal: Virtual Suffrage Scramble 5K
Milton Independent, St. Albans Messenger, Colchester Sun, and Essex Reporter: Vermont Women Run to Commemorate Suffrage Centennial
Montpelier Bridge: Calendar of Events
Mountain Times: Suffrage 5k Scramble goes virtual – The Mountain Times
Rutland Herald: Virtual Suffrage Scramble 5k
St. Albans Messenger: Vermont women run to commemorate suffrage centennial
StoweTODAY.COM: Celebrates women’s rights at Suffrage Scramble
The Other Paper: Sash-ay for a good cause: Yes we can! 5k encourages Vermonters to vote and run
VT Community Newspaper Group: Gather to honor women’s hard-fought right to vote
VT Digger: Primary week virtual Suffrage Scramble 5K marks centennial
Vermont Journal: Central Vermont Runners’ Suffrage Scramble 5K
Vote Louisville: Virtual Suffrage Scramble 5k
July 2020
The Berkshire Eagle: 5K Scramble celebrates 100 years of women’s suffrage
Good Citizen Challenge: Summer 2020 Challenge, #4 Learn about women’s suffrage — a word that means the right to vote.
National Women’s History Alliance: Women’s Suffrage Centennial Catalog
June 2020
Lauren-Glenn Davitian/CCTV.org interview with VSCA director Sue Racanelli
VT Digger: Vermont Suffrage Centennial Alliance Postpones Parade.
May 2020
May 27, 2020 Press Release: Vermont Suffrage Centennial Alliance Postpones Parade and Festival, Continues Work
May 27. Times Argus: Talk of the Town, – “Citing public health concerns, Sue Racanelli, director of the Vermont Suffrage Centennial Alliance, said the events that had been set for Aug. 22 in Montpelier will be held next year instead.“
March 19. Vermont Historical Society. Third Thursday Lecture Series. History of Women’s Suffrage in Vermont.
May 16. Women’s Suffrage: One Event, Many Perspectives Virtual Symposium was presented by the Ethan Allen Homestead Museum in partnership with the League of Women Voters of Vermont, Vermont Commission on Women, and Vermont Suffrage Centennial Alliance. Watch videos and read more.
May 14. Saint Michael’s College, Dungy, Ouellette part of Ethan Allen Homestead Event
May 8. At the virtual Vermont History Day Awards Program, sixth-grader Annie L. Marek of Browns River Middle School won the Deborah Pickman Clifford prize sponsored by the Vermont Commission on Women Education and Research Foundation. Annie’s entry, The Suffragettes: Breaking Ballot Box Barriers, was judged Best Suffrage Centennial themed project in this centennial year of the 19th Amendment. Vermont History Day, an annual educational program of the Vermont Historical Society, is open to students in grades five through twelve and home-study students ages 10 to 18.
March 26, 2020, The Other Paper Votes for Women
January 2020. Volume 41. Issue 1.Central Vermont Runners (Page 6)
Winter 2020. GSFS. Chellis House GSFS Newsletter
December 4, 2019. Press Release – Vermont Suffrage Centennial Alliance Launches Speakers’ Bureau
November 3, 2019. CCTV Burlington, Professor Amy Morsman, Middlebury College, Moments of Reckoning in the Campaign for Women’s Voting Rights.
Celebrate Your Right To Vote: Moments of Reckoning in the Campaign for Women’s Voting Rights
September 5, 2019. The Other Paper: 99 years of the vote
August/September. The Riveter. E-newsletter of Vermont Works for Women
July 23, 2019. VermontBiz: Statewide alliance plans for 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage
July 22, 2019. VTDigger: Vermont Suffrage Centennial Alliance marks a century of voting rights
National History Women’s History Alliance: Women Win The Vote; Page 25